Strong Insights for Successful Brands and Innovations


Market Research Worldwide

10 years of global market research – The Lifesights Company is a globally acting market research and consulting agency based in Bremen, Germany.

With the help of customized qualitative and quantitative studies, our goal is to generate strong professional and consumer-based insights for the successful development of brands and innovations.

We conduct both industry-specific and cross-industry research. Our focus: the health care and consumer goods industries!

We are a team of passionate market researchers and marketing experts with many years of experience in the health care, pharmaceutical and consumer goods industries as well as on the agency side. We are a mix of different academic backgrounds and professional careers.

Our new AI moderators Luna & Jackson conduct human-like consumer conversations at scale and speed – tailored questioning flow and probing when required.

We think entrepreneurially and have a great passion for people and their behaviour, wishes and needs. Consumers, shoppers, influencers and experts around the globe fascinate us.

Our strengths: to give insights and insights a clear meaning and make them tangible! For the submission of clear, practicable recommendations for action!

Nationally or worldwide – for national & international brands and markets!




A warm welcome!

Since 2024, the two AI moderators Luna & Jackson have complemented our Lifesights team. They support us with qualitative and quantitative studies and enable a quantum leap in market research:

  • The fusion of Lifesights research expertise with modern high-end language models based on artificial intelligence
  • 24/7 deployment on a global scale (all languages) and at high speed
  • Customised questioning and probing/enquiries as required in both qualitative and quantitative studies
  • Anthropoid consumer or expert dialogues – high acceptance of all target groups


The basic report “Cannabis Prescription Study 2020” is now available on request – with extensive information from more than 10,000 telephone interviews with medical specialists.

These were systematically processed within the scope of the study and can be used as a basis for strategic corporate decisions.


This whitepaper includes the following contents:

  • objectives and use of the “Cannabis Prescription Study 2020”
  • profile and contents of the basic report “Cannabis Prescription Study 2020”
  • possibilities of acquiring more detailed special analyses to supplement the basic report
  • excerpts from the “Cannabis Prescription Study 2020”

Request now the WHITEPAPER for FREE per mail:


Look behind dermatologists and oncologists

Together with the Vendus ( and the Sanvartis ( we have performed the ‘RX Multichannel Monitor 2019’. The survey of 60 resident oncologists and 60 dermatologists between 26 and 65 years of age focused on the contact preference of the HCPs and the relevance of the different sources of information.  The results of the ‘Rx Multichannel Monitor 2019’ make it clear that not all physicians and specialists are the same. Each occupational group has its own preferences and these must be addressed with the right, individual communication mix.

Know preferences

For the pharmaceutical industry, the changing preferences of physicians are also increasing the need to select target group-oriented communication channels for their requirements. The importance of the Internet and social media in professional information research for the HCP continues to grow. This means that only those who know their target group exactly can respond to their preferences and generate the desired reactions. The results of the study show that the preferred communication channels differ according to the specialist’s direction and in some cases also depend on age and gender. A targeted approach by physicians therefore primarily requires an analysis of the target group: In which specialist area do the physicians work? Are there predominantly men or women among them? In what proportion to each other are the different age groups represented?  Only the answers to these core questions enable a targeted communication strategy.

If you would like to know more, please send us a short message or give us a call.

Dr. Timm Harder
Global Director Health Care
Tel. 0421 960 36 119


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