Who we are

Our Story

As a start-up established in 2009, The Lifesights Company has been researching FMCG, Health Care, Fashion, Cosmetics, and many other markets globally for over a decade now.

Agility, curiosity, commitment to unraveling consumer insights around the world, tracking new trends and opportunities for innovations makes us what we are – global, agile, competent, reliable agency with a finger on the pulse of time, able to quickly adapt to clients´ needs and deliver. 

What We Stand For

– Addressing every project with passion and curiosity 

– Tailored approach to every client and every project

Strategic business understanding

Actionable output

Diversity and sustainability 

– Open communication and flexibility

Our Team

What we offer as a team:

Entrepreneurial thinking combined with research precision

Long standing work experience on both sides, industry and agency

Efficiency in project management, budgeting and timing


Who we are:

Experienced and passionate market researchers

– Different professional backgrounds

International biographies

– Intercultural competencies




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